Develop your self esteem

Do you find that you have a tendency to focus on your weaknesses and any mistakes you make and struggle to recognise your strengths and positive qualities? Would you like to nurture and promote a healthier self-esteem and learn to identify and challenge unhelpful, negative thinking patterns, enabling you to pursue ambitions that you have previously held off from doing? Often, people with a low self esteem don’t assert themselves in the way that they’d like and find it uncomfortable saying ‘no’ to tasks or requests by others that they’d rather not do. Developing a more positive self esteem can help develop the confidence to set up healthy boundaries and say ‘no’ to such requests. 

Our self esteem can be influenced by a number of different factors or experiences during the course of our lifetime and is made up of the thoughts, opinions and beliefs we hold about ourselves, which influence what we perceive ourselves as being capable of achieving. Fortunately, these thoughts and beliefs are not fixed - they can change - and hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to promote updated, healthier beliefs that serve us better and help us to lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

At mindhub hypnotherapy, we will look at cognitive and behavioural approaches to enhancing your self esteem and the relationship between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. We will identify and challenge any negative and limiting beliefs that you may hold about yourself (which is essentially learned behaviour due to years of repetitive thinking) and create and instil more encouraging and supportive ones, using hypnosis to embed these changes, instil self compassion and mentally rehearse positive outcomes. I will also teach you self hypnosis so that you can apply what you have learned and practice it at home. Much self esteem enhancement is achieved when we succeed at doing something - it reinforces our confidence and provides evidence of our achievements, helping us feel more positive about ourselves as a result. So part of our work together will involve exercises and small challenges to build on the work we do restructuring any limiting beliefs. It is empowering to know that with the right tools and knowledge, you can take steps to enhance your self esteem and live the life you deserve!

Free yourself from unhelpful thinking habits, now! Get in touch for your FREE consultation using the link below.